Online Advent Calendar 2021

Online Advent Calendar 2021

Online Advent Calendar 2021

# News - for website homepage

Online Advent Calendar 2021

Your Advent Calendar needs you!

We've had a few ideas from people wanting to take part in the online Advent Calendar, but we need more.

Get thinking about what your door could represent for Advent e.g. waiting, watching for Christ to come again, or any of the themes of Advent - The Old Testament Prophets, John the Baptist, Mary, the Angel Gabriel, Joseph, the Donkey journey to Bethlehem, etc.  

Then have a think about adding a simple one or two line prayer/ or a Bible verse to go with your “Door”.

Then get decorating!

When it's ready, take a photograph (landscape, not portrait!) of the door and send a copy to the Parish Office. You can even take a video as well that we can include when people click on and open the 'door'.

The ‘Doors’ will be uploaded to our St Swithun’s Facebook Page and our website, with a new door picture and prayer/ Bible verse for every day of Advent.

Photographs will need to be with the Parish Office by Friday 19th November so that everything can be prepared and ready to go for the start of Advent.

NB. Please note that if children are included in the photograph you should make sure that you have parental permission to place the image online.

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