Holy Baptism or Christening

We welcome all children for

Baptism or Christening at our church.

If you would like to learn more about what is involved before you make an enquiry

visit the Church of England Christening Website by clicking the link below.



St Swithun’s Church Welcomes You

Christening, or Baptism, is a service for your child where she/he is made a full member of the Christian Family – The Church. It is a joyful occasion when you can gather your family around you and celebrate with them in the church.

St Swithun’s is the Parish Church in East Grinstead and we have many baptisms throughout the year. Please ask us about a date before booking everyone to avoid any disappointment. 

We will ask you to come to an evening meeting with the Vicar or one of the Assistant Clergy before the baptism. There we will explain to you what baptism/christening means and try to answer any questions about the service, and any other questions you may have.

Godparents have a very special place in the lives of those who are baptised. Many people have questions about choosing the right person and how many to choose. We can answer these and any other questions when we meet you. The Church of England does require all Godparents to be Baptised themselves so that they understand the role they are taking on.

If you would like to have your baby or young child baptised please attend one of our services and speak to our Vicar who will advise you of the next steps.


We also ask that you download the Data Protection Statement below, sign it and bring it with you to the Preparation Meeting.

2018 05 23 Data Processing Agreement for Pastoral Diary.docx

We look forward to welcoming you and your family.